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Team Full Circle

James Kagam­bi (KG) began his guid­ing career in Kenya as a NOLS field instruc­tor. His patience and teach­ing abil­i­ty grew from his expe­ri­ence as a grade school teacher, coach­ing sports, and teach­ing tra­di­tion­al Africa music. NOLS. 

KG has climbed three of the Sev­en Sum­mits and in 1992 rep­re­sent­ed Africa in the U.N Peace Climb for the World on the Eiger. He was the first black African to sum­mit Denali in 1989, and was the first black African to sum­mit Aconcagua in 1994. He is active­ly involved in train­ing Kenya’s moun­tain res­cue teams. 

Most recent­ly KG had the plea­sure of meet­ing Kenya’s pres­i­dent after car­ry­ing the 50th Anniver­sary flag cel­e­brat­ing the country’s inde­pen­dence to the sum­mit of Mount Kenya.

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